CARNILOVE Lamb & Wild Boar Adult Dog 12kg

CARNILOVE Lamb & Wild Boar is a Grain-free and Potato-free formula that is suitable for adult dogs of all breeds.
Brand Carnilove Adult
Manufacturer Carnilove
Species Dog
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Lamb & wild boar are the perfect combination of quality, highly digestible, usable proteins rich in natural nutrients.

Lamb is an excellent source of trace elements such as selenium, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and unsaturated fats, while Wild Boar is packed with proteins yet contains little fat, making it ideal for maintaining optimum physical condition without the risk of increased blood cholesterol levels.

CARNILOVE Lamb & Wild Boar contains 70% Wild-origin meats and 30% Forest fruits, veggies and berries.

CARNILOVE has been designed with careful consideration for the historical continuity of cohabitation between dogs and humans. The ingredients and their proportions have been developed according to the diet of dogs prior to the advent of agriculture, but production is based on the latest processes and technologies.

Quelles sont les caractéristiques des croquettes Carnilove pour chien ?

  • Nutrition de haute qualité
  • Riche en acides aminés essentiels, en vitamines et en minéraux
  • Sans céreales
  • Sans pommes de terre
  • Conviennent à toutes races de chien

Que contiennent les croquettes Carnilove pour chien ?

Composition :

Viandes moulues déshydratées de sanglier (30%), viandes moulues déshydratées d'agneau élevé en plein air (25%), pois jaunes (20%), graisse de poulet (conservée avec des tocophérols, 10%), foie de poulet (3%), pommes (3%), amidon de tapioca (3%), huile de saumon (2%), carottes (1%), graines de lin (1%), pois chiches (1%), carapaces de crustacés hydrolysées (source de glucosamine, 0,026%), extrait de cartilage (source de chondroïtine, 0,016%), levure de bière (source de manno-oligosaccharides, 0.015%), racine de chicorée (source de fructo-oligosaccharides, 0,01%), yucca schidigera (0,01%), algues (0,01%), psyllium (0,01%), thym (0,01%), romarin(0,01%), origan (0,01%), airelles (0,0008%), myrtilles (0,0008%), framboises (0,0008%).

Composants Analytiques : 

Protéines brutes .............................. 38,0%
Teneur en matières grasses ............ 20,0%
Cendres brutes ..................................... 8%
Fibres brutes ..................................... 3,2%
Humidité .......................................... 10,0%
Calcium ............................................. 1,6%
Phosphore ........................................ 1,3%
Oméga 3 ......................................... 0,35%
Oméga 6 .......................................... 2,4 %

Additifs nutritionnels par kg:

Vitamine A (E672) ......................................... 20000 IU
Vitamine D3 (E671) ......................................... 1500 IU
Vitamine E (α-tocophérol) (3a700) ................... 400 mg
Zinc (E6) ............................................................. 85 mg
Fer (E1) .............................................................. 70 mg
Manganèse (E5) ................................................. 35 mg
Iode (E2) .......................................................... 0,65 mg
Cuivre (E4) ......................................................... 15 mg
Slénium (3b8,10) ............................................. 0,25 mg

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