Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian Tablets for Cats & Dogs (pack of 200)

Dorwest are the UK's leading provider of canine and feline herbal petcare. Dorwest Scullcap and Valerian Tablets for dogs and cats are a licensed herbal medicine that can help to calm and relax dogs and cats at times of distress.
Brand Dorwest
Manufacturer Dorwest
Species Cat, Dog
In stock

Phobias and nervous disorders can be really hard to deal with – both for pets and from their owners’ perspectives. Widely used as a treatment for noise phobias and fears associated with fireworks, thunder and gunfire, as well as for general excitability and hyperactivity, this herbal medicine is one of Dorwest's best sellers. It calms and relaxes dogs or cats without causing drowsiness or sedation, enabling them to have improved concentration, making it ideal for use in showing, agility, or sporting activities.

Popular for use in travel-related anxiety and also for territorial urine spraying in cats, this licensed product is also used under veterinary supervision to control epilepsy, often alongside conventional treatments.

Top tip – buy your supply of Scullcap and Valerian Tablets well in advance of fireworks night – there’s often huge demand around this time. 

The most up to date Summary of Product Characteristics for this authorised veterinary medicine can be viewed here.

La valériane est connue pour ses propriétés réparatrices du sommeil, mais aussi de l'anxiété. 
Le scullcap possède des vertus relaxantes. Ce produit apaise l'animal sans le rendre somnolent, ce qui lui permet de sentir bien sur le long terme, et non pas assomé. 
Il calme les inquiétudes liées aux voyages et il est idéal dans toutes les occasions où un environnement différent provoque appréhension et anxiété

Dorwest Scullcap et valériane peut également être efficace chez les chiens et chats épileptiques, avec l'avis de votre vétérinaire.

200 tablets

Valerian root extract 5:1 50 mg; mistletoe extract 3:1 50 mg; scullcap 30 mg; gentian extract 2:1 24 mg.


For longer term:

1-2 tablets per 5 kgs bodyweight daily, ideally given as two split doses, depending on the severity of the condition.

For use on singular occasions:

Give 12 hours and 2 hours before the event using the higher dosage rate

Special precautions for use in animals

  • Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian tablets can be given in conjunction with any medication.
  • Epilepsy should only be treated with this product in consultation with a veterinary surgeon
  • They may be used short or long term.
  • They should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian tablets should only be given to kittens and puppies 8 weeks of age or older.
  • The tablets are sugar-coated.
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